Filename: 283-ipv6-in-micro-consensus.txt
Title: Move IPv6 ORPorts from microdescriptors to the microdesc consensus
Author: Tim Wilson-Brown (teor), Nick Mathewson
Created: 18-Oct-2017
Status: Closed
Target: 0.3.3.x
Ticket: #20916

1. Summary

   Moving IPv6 ORPorts from microdescs to the microdesc consensus will make
   it easier for IPv6 clients to bootstrap and select reachable guards.

   Tor clients on IPv6-only connections currently have to use IPv6 Fallback
   Directory Mirrors to fetch their microdescriptors. This does not scale
   well. After this change, they will be able to fetch microdescriptors from
   any IPv6-enabled directory mirror in the consensus.

   Tor clients on versions 0.2.8.x and 0.2.9.x are currently unable to
   bootstrap over IPv6-only connections when using microdescriptors. After
   this consensus change, they will be able to bootstrap without any client
   code changes.

   For clients that use microdescriptors (the default), IPv6 ORPorts are
   always placed in microdescriptors. So these clients can only tell if an
   IPv6 ORPort is unreachable when a majority of voting authorities mark the
   relay as not Running. After this proposal, clients will be able to discover
   unreachable ORPorts, even if a minority of voting authorities set
   AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1.

2. Proposal

   We add two new consensus methods, here represented as M and N (M < N), to
   be allocated when this proposal's implementation is merged. These consensus
   methods move IPv6 ORPorts from microdescs to the microdesc consensus.

   We use two different methods because this allows us to modify client code
   based on each method. Also, if a bug is discovered in one of the methods,
   authorities can be patched to stop voting for it, and then we can implement
   a fix in a later method.

2.1. Add Reachable IPv6 ORPorts to the Microdesc Consensus

   We specify that microdescriptor consensuses created with methods M or later
   contain reachable IPv6 ORPorts.

2.2. Remove IPv6 ORPorts from Microdescriptors

   We specify that microdescriptors created with methods N or later start
   omitting IPv6 ORPorts.

3. Retaining Existing Behaviour

   The following existing behaviour will be retained:

3.1. Authority IPv6 Reachability

   Only authorities configured with AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1 will test
   IPv6 ORPort reachability, and vote for IPv6 ORPorts.

   This means that:
   * if no voting authorities set AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1, there will be
     no IPv6 ORPorts in the consensus,
   * if a minority of voting authorities set AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1:
     unreachable IPv6 ORPort lines will be dropped from the consensus, but
     the relay will still be listed as Running, and
     reachable IPv6 ORPort lines will be included in the consensus.
   * if a majority of voting authorities set AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1,
     relays with unreachable IPv6 ORPorts will not be listed as Running.
     Reachable IPv6 ORPort lines will be included in the consensus.
     (To ensure that any valid majority will vote relays with unreachable
     IPv6 ORPorts not Running, 75% of authorities must set
     AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1.)

   We will document this behaviour in the tor manual page, see #23870.

3.2. NS Consensus IPv6 ORPorts

   The NS consensus will continue to contain reachable IPv6 ORPorts.

4. Impact and Related Changes

4.1. Directory Authority Configuration

   We will work to get a super-majority (75%) of authorities checking relay
   IPv6 reachability, to avoid Running-flag flapping. To do this, authorities
   need to get IPv6 connectivity, and set AuthDirHasIPv6Connectivity 1.

4.2. Relays and Bridges

   Tor relays and bridges do not currently use IPv6 ORPorts from the

   We expect that 2/3 of authorities will be voting for consensus method N
   before future Tor relay or bridge versions use IPv6 ORPorts from the

4.3. Clients

4.3.1. Legacy Clients IPv6 ORPort Circuits

   Tor clients on versions 0.2.8.x to 0.3.2.x check directory documents for
   ORPorts in the following order:
     * descriptors (routerinfo, available if using bridges or full descriptors)
     * consensus (routerstatus)
     * microdescriptors (IPv6 ORPorts only)

   Their behaviour will be identical to the current behaviour for consensus
   methods M and earlier. When consensus method N is used, they will ignore
   unreachable IPv6 ORPorts without any code changes, as long as they are
   using microdescriptors. IPv6 ORPort Bootstrap

   Tor clients on versions 0.2.8.x and 0.2.9.x are currently unable to
   bootstrap over IPv6-only connections when using microdescriptors. This
   happens because the microdesc consensus does not contain IPv6 ORPorts.
   (IPv6-only Tor clients on versions and later use fallback
   directory mirrors to fetch their microdescriptors.)

   When consensus method M is used, 0.2.8.x and 0.2.9.x clients will be able
   to bootstrap over IPv6-only connections using microdescriptors, without any
   code changes.

4.3.2. Future Clients Ignoring IPv6 ORPorts in Microdescs

   Tor clients on versions 0.3.3.x and later will ignore unreachable IPv6
   ORPorts once consensus method M or later is in use. This requires some code
   changes, see #23827. IPv6 ORPort Bootstrap

   If a bootstrapping IPv6-only client has a consensus made with method M or
   later, it should download microdescriptors from one of the IPv6 ORPorts in
   that consensus. This requires some code changes, see #23827.

   Previously, IPv6-only clients would use fallback directory
   mirrors to download microdescs, because there were no IPv6 ORPorts in the
   microdesc consensus. Ignoring Addresses in Unused Directory Documents

   If a client doesn't use a particular directory document type for a node,
   it should ignore any addresses in that document type. This requires some
   code changes, see #23975.

5. Data Size

   This change removes 7-50 bytes from the microdescriptors of relays that
   have an IPv6 ORPort, and adds them to reachable IPv6 relays' microdesc
   consensus entries.

   As of October 2017, 600 relays (9%) have IPv6 ORPorts in the NS
   consensus. Their "a" lines take up 19 KB, or 33 bytes each on average.

   The gzip-compressed microdesc consensus is 564 KB, and adding the existing
   IPv6 addresses makes it 576 KB (a 2.1% increase). Adding IPv6 addresses to
   every relay makes it 644 KB (a 14% increase). zstd-compressed microdesc
   consensuses show smaller increases of 1.7% and 8.0%, respectively.

   Most tor clients are already running, which implements consensus
   diffs and zstd compression. We expect that most directory mirrors will also
   implement consensus diffs and zstd compression by the time 2/3 of
   authorities are voting for consensus method M. Consensus diffs will reduce
   the worst-case impact of this change for clients and relays that have a
   recent consensus.

6. External Impacts

   We don't expect this change to impact Onionoo and similar projects, because
   they typically use the NS consensus.

7. Monitoring

   OnionOO has implemented an "unreachable IPv6 address" attribute:

   Metrics is working on IPv6 relay graphs:

   Consensus-health implements a ReachableIPv6 pseudo-flag for authorities
   and relays: